Warn if a specific class is missing

Use case example

You expect a certain class to always be present. If it's not warn.

828 787

In Diffgram

Search Warn Label Missing

let found_label_file_ids = []

let target_name = "replace_me"
let label_file = diffgram.label_list.find(
      x=> {return x.label.name == target_name})
for (let instance of diffgram.instance_list){
  	if (instance.soft_delete == true) {continue}
    if(instance.label_file_id != label_file.id) {continue}


if (found_label_file_ids.length > 0) {
  let message = "Found at least one " + target_name
} else {
  let message = "No instances of " + target_name + " found."