Report Concepts
An admin defines
- What the report should look at. For example Instance , Label , etc
- What time period the report should look at
- How to group the information
- Where to pull the information from (Defaults to project)
- How to view it
An admin may consume the report themselves, or share it with our team members.
For example for performance discussions, or a technical admin setting it up for a people manager.
Consumer vs Creator
The defaults reports provide value by viewing them on the project dashboard. This guide is aimed at Report creators, and super users taking a deeper dive.
What the report should look at
A car dealer has a unit being a "Sale", a restaurant an "Order", a CRM system a "Contact". Each of these base units represents a measure of value. Many sales people may be involved in one Sale, many staff in one restaurant Order, etc.
In Diffgram there are a number of items of Interest. The default is an Instance . Other options
- Instance
- File
- Event
- Task
Time Period of the Report
By default reports show the last 30 days. May also show All.
The assumption is that in general reports are meant to be "dynamic" ie the last x period of time.
Coming soon features
- Compare against previous period
- Static date range
- More date selections.
How to Group the Information
The default way to group information is by date. Continuing the analogies, there are a number of {cars sold, orders placed, contacts made} on a given date. By date is the intuitive for ongoing project and performance.
There are other ways to group the information to compare things. For example you may care about the ratio of labels, or ratio of output by user.
Example of three different group by options, all happen to reference an Instance.
On the left is a time series (group by date). In the center is group by label, and on the right is group by user.
- Date
- User
- Task
- Job (Batch of Task )
- Label
Where to pull the information from - Scope
Reports default to the Project scope. They can be further filtered by Job.
A project has many jobs. Note if coming from other systems, some of them refer to Jobs as "Project" where as in Diffgram a Project is a long lived overall concept, and a Job is a batch of work inside a Project.
How to view the report
By default there are choices that relate to visualizing the aggregate date of the report.
- By row
- Calculated columns
- Email and notifications
- Integration with Workflow
Annotator Performance Report
Shows the Annotator task time
Group By Task Status
Time Spent on Task Report
Shows time spent by task.
Updated over 2 years ago