Super Admin Internal Request Routing

Internal Routing Table

Table of Diffgram Area to Internal Concept. As an example we recommend copying this and adding your internal contact name.

Diffgram AreaInternal Team NameContact
User PermissionsInternal Identity Team (OIDC)< Insert Name of DRI at your company >
Customer URL SignerInternal Custom Service< Insert Name of DRI at your company >
Updating ReleasesInternal Infra Team< Insert Name of DRI at your company >
General UI / Usage QuestionsSuper Admins< Insert Name of DRI at your company >
Networking, e.g. 502 ErrorsInternal Infra Team< Insert Name of DRI at your company >
Bugs and ideasDiffgramSuper Admin Support Guide


Internal: Your Companies Internal Teams.

DRI: Directly Responsible Individual.

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