Minimum Specs

Annotation & Admin Client


Latest version of Chrome browser

Chrome is the only officially supported browser.


Most moderate spec machines will handle basic images.

Video up to HD

  • GPU acceleration suggested
  • RAM, >= 8 GB
  • Minimum 25 Mbit internet connection
  • CPU, modern 4+ cores, at least 2.7 GHZ per core

Video 4k

  • GPU acceleration required
  • RAM, > 16 GB
  • Minimum 40 Mbit internet connection
  • CPU, modern 4+ cores, at least 3 GHZ per core

Kubernetes Cluster Specs

Cluster Overview

In general each cluster needs a minimum of 2 vCPUs and we recommend at least 4 vCPUs for most common installs. Heavy 4k Video processing requires more as shown below.

A single cluster can serve 100s of users.

A baseline cluster may cost as little as $100/month to run. A high performance cluster for 4K resolution video, and many users is more.


It depends

These specs are meant as the most generic baselines. As an enterprise client we will work with you to right-size the hardware and optimize your performance and cost goals.

Factors that influence hardware needs

  • Number of users
  • Volume of use
  • Use case: e.g. videos, images, text
  • Resolution and length of videos (eg 720p, 1080p, 4k, etc.)
  • Desired performance level

Generic recommendation

Default Service


  • 1 vCPU cores
  • 2 GB memory
  • 12 GB disk


  • 2+ vCPU cores
  • 4 GB memory
  • 24 GB disk

Media Service


  • 1 vCPU cores
  • 2 GB memory
  • 12 GB disk

For HD video:

  • 2 vCPU cores
  • 4 GB memory
  • 24 GB disk

For 4k Video:

  • 16 vCPU cores (dynamic scale up to 80)
  • 48 GB memory (dynamic scale up to 240)
  • 192 GB disk (dynamic scale up to 960)

Primary Database


  • 1 vCPU Cores
  • ~10 GB / month


  • 4 vCPU cores
    or more if load is >50% average.

Cloud Data Storage (BLOB storage)


  • 1x standard bucket
  • Size heavily data dependent

Additional caching services and other items optional