Duplicate Detection Specific Class
In Diffgram
Search Duplicate Label Detector
Example Use Cases
There are multiple classes expected. Certain classes are expected to only exist once.
The script will warn if multiple instances exist, otherwise will inform user no duplicates exist.
let duplicate_instances = []
let found_label_file_ids = []
let target_name = "change_me_to_something"
let label_file = diffgram.label_list.find(
x=> {return x.label.name == target_name})
for (let instance of diffgram.instance_list){
if (instance.soft_delete == true) {continue}
if(instance.label_file_id != label_file.id) {continue}
if (!found_label_file_ids.includes(instance.label_file_id)) {
} else {
if (duplicate_instances.length > 0) {
let instance = duplicate_instances[0]
let message = "Duplicate: " + target_name
} else {
let message = "No duplicates of " + target_name + " found."
Updated almost 4 years ago