Diffgram CLI

CLI for developers who want to contribute to Diffgram

What is Diffgram CLI?

Diffgram CLI - is a command line interface for developers, who want to contribute to Diffgram. It contains utils that will help you contributing to the codebase and provide better development experience.

Dev Installation

First download the code.
Then run

npm i -g .


npm i -g diffgram-cli

or if you prefer yarn:

yarn global add diffgram-cli

When it's installed, for more information you can run:

diffgram --help

CLI commands

Next CLI commands are available:

action [ActionName]Sets and registers a new action template, so you just need to implement your logic inside (if you are not familiar with Diffgram workflows, check out this documentation)
compose Creates a docker-compose-dev.yaml file with services that you want to run from container
secretsSets secrets.py file
upRuns docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up


If you have any suggestions o how we can improve developers' experience with CLI or you encounter any bugs, feel free to open issue or send a PR to our GitHub