Setup Guide


Here are the main steps to consider:

  1. Installation
  2. Annotation Setup
  3. End User Setup
  4. Data Ingestion Setup
  5. Data Catalog Setup
  6. Workflow Setup
  7. Initial Usage
  8. Optimization

Setting Expectations

The following section is a minimal viable roadmap to get your ML program up and running. It is divided for convenience into sections. Usually these tasks can be given to different people, and many can be done in parallel. Depending on a number of factors it may take many months to get your organization setup, integrated, trained, and using Diffgram fully.


Install Setup

Annotation Setup

Tasks Setup

End User Setup

End User Setup

Data Setup

Data Setup

Data Catalog Setup

Data Catalog Setup

Workflow Setup

Workflow Setup
ML Backend, Pre-Label and Auto Annotate

Initial Usage

Initial Usage

Optimization Setup

Optimization Setup

Terminology Glossary

Terminology Glossary

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